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          NJ Property Damage Assessment

                      Before NJPDA

About Us




NJ Property Damage Assessment—NJPDA  originated in the downtown Municipal Center of West Orange Township in 2003. Over the years, while centralized in Essex County, the service expanded to any state resident in need. Our field inspectors, who cover the entire state of New Jersey, are led by a team of experienced professional, appraisers and contractors, with certification by the renown estimating center at Vale National, which provides the most comprehensive curriculum of Residential & Commercial Building Damage Estimating, attended by adjusters and claims personnel of the largest insurance carriers from all over the country. Since 2003 NJPDA has obtained millions of dollars in proceeds to the delight of thousands of New Jersey policyholders suffering from a variety of perils and casualty losses. Our mission is to diligently negotiate the maximum cash settlement while maintaining the most detailed documentation as we scour every provision of the policy to the benefit of our clients. In doing so, we seek to ensure NJ property owners are treated fairly in strict compliance to the statutes and regulations provided by the state. 

           After NJPDA